United Way of Sullivan County, NH
United Way of Sullivan County, NH

Greater Sullivan Strong

These are unprecedented times and with uncertainty come new challenges for those in our community. United Way of Sullivan County, the members of the Greater Sullivan County Public Health Network, Sullivan County government, and other community partners have come together to form Greater Sullivan Strong. This Coalition assists organizations that are supporting residents in our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. It monitors and assesses household, community organization and community system needs and works together to meet needs that can be addressed with resources on hand as well as raises and distributes funds as needed. We invite you to join us in this effort.

Please Support Sullivan Strong - COVID Relief Fund

Send Check to: United Way of Sullivan County, PO Box 237, Newport, NH 03773
OR: Donate via PayPal

Please include "Attn: Sullivan Strong" and your physical address and / or email address with your donation.


What Matters.

United Way understands that you really want to make a difference right here in Sullivan County and right now. We want to help you do that. Currently, SCUW invests donor contributions in a variety of non-profit agencies and provide a variety of services to Sullivan County residents.

Our experience tells us that the best way to help the most people is to focus on addressing the immediate needs of the residents of Sullivan County.  As part of our Community Investment Program: Donating $5000 to Valley Regional Hospital Pediatric Charity Care Program, Sponsoring Proggrams for SAU 6 and SAU 43, Bullying Awareness and Prevention Programs. Continue to Administer Emergency Food and Shelter Funding to agencies in Sullivan County, work with the Sullivan County Sheriff Department for “Beards United” a fundraising event to support SCUW.

Community Matters.

It takes the whole state working together to reach our goal.  The 211 Information Network is your link to resources.  Through partnerships with the State of NH, Public Service of NH and United Ways, residents can dial 211 to connect to human services and organizations in their community. 211 addressing the everyday needs in difficult times.

Partnerships Matter.

Your United Way contribution goes to work bringing lasting change, right where you live. Because that’s what matters.

Results Matter.

FamilyWize Prescription Card 211 Resources
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